When do we use the future simple ?
מתי משתמשים בעתיד הפשוט?
1. To talk about actions in the future at a definite time
כדי לדבר על פעולה בזמן מוגדר בעתיד
For example:

The meeting
will end at 7:00pm.

will not go to the conference after all.

These consultants
will help us plan our company strategy.

After this is over, we
'll each
go our separate ways
2. To express willingness or unwillingness to do something
להביע נכונות או אי נכונות לגבי משהו
3. To take a guess, make a prediction, give a warning, give directions
לנחש, לנבא, להזהיר
For example:

'll be late if we don't leave immediately.

'll hardly notice the difference

Keep going straight. You
'll find a pharmacy on your right.

'll burn yourself if you touch that pot.
How do we use the Future Simple?
[+] Add the helping verb will, before the main verb in the infinitive form (base form = V1)
I (/ you / he / she / it / we / they) will see you tomorrow.
When we speak we usually use the contracted form 'll: It is the same for all pronouns:
I'll, You'll, He'll, She'll, We'll, They'll
* Please note that although the form "it'll" does not exist grammatically, it is commonly used in Spoken English.
[-] Add the helping verb will + not, before the main verb in the infinitive form (base form = V1)
She (/ I / you / he / it / we / they) will not attend the meeting.
When we speak we usually use the contracted form won't. It is the same for all pronouns:
I won't, You wont, He won't, She won't, It won't, We won't, They won't
[?] The helping verb will begins the question
Will you (/ I / he / she / it / we / they) be ready by 4 o'clock?
be going to
We can also conjugate the verb
to be in the present simple and add
going to to talk about future plants and intentions.
The main verb is in the base form.
אפשר גם להטות את הפועל
to be בהווה פשוט ולהוסיף going to כדיי לדבר על תוכניות או כוונות בעתיד.
הפועל העקרי נשאר בצורתו הטבעית / צורתו הבסיסית.

're going to start in a few minutes.

is going to be a much nicer day.

Joseph Cohen and Sara Smith
are going to be the guest lecturers.

's not going to stay very long.

are we
going to do?
click here | Complete the fortune teller's reading using the Future Simple |
click here | Complete the sentences using either the Future Simple or the Present Simple |
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