יש לך ראיון עבודה באנגלית?

להלן השאלות הנפוצות ביותר עליהן כדאי להתכונן:

Common Interview Questions
1)    Tell me a little bit about yourself...?
2)    Why do you want to leave your current job?
3)    Why do you want to work here?
4)    What did you like most about your last job?
5)    What did you like least about your last job?
6)    What are your strengths?
7)    What are your weaknesses?
8)    What would your boss say about you?
9)    What would your colleagues say about you?
10)   Where do you see yourself in 5 years? in 10 years?
11)   Why should we hire you?
הוספת תגובה

1 תגובות לכתבה
1. its good ל"ת אנונימי 124 (משתמש/ת אנונימי/ת) 2019/03/30 16:47