:There are 7 personal pronouns in English
באנגלית 7 כינויי גוף:

    עברית     English    
גוף ראשון
  אני   My name is Allan, I'm from the USA. I   1st person
גוף שני
  אתה, את   Do you want to come over today? You   2nd person
גוף שלישי
יחיד - זכר
  הוא   Roger is my neighbor. He lives on the third floor. He   3rd person
singular - male
גוף שלישי
יחיד - נקבה
  היא   Alexandra is a smart girl. She's the best student in class. She   3rd person
singular - female
גוף שלישי
יחיד שאינו אדם
  יחיד שאינו אדם   Please take this book to the library. It is overdue. It   3rd person
singular non-human
גוף ראשון
  אנחנו   My mother and I look alike. We are both short and blond. We   1st person
גוף שני
  אתם, אתן   Do you guys like mushrooms on your pizza? You   2nd person
גוף שלישי
  הם, הן, +
רבים שאינם אדם
  Sarah and Mike like to read. They have many books.
These books are interesting. They are from the library.
They   3rd person
plural - male, female
and non-human


Here are free exercises to practice personal pronouns in English.
These are free online quizzes and practice exercises to learn to use personal pronouns in English!


Click here   Look at the picture and choose the correct pronoun (for kids) 1
Click here   Fill in the correct personal pronoun 2
Click here   Fill in the correct personal pronoun 3


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