לדוגמא - 

איך אומרים באנגלית - 1. "נסעתי לבד"?
  2."זה עובד לבד"?
  3."עבדתי על כל הפרויקט בכוחות עצמי"?
ואיך אומרים 4."כתבנו את העבודה בכוחות עצמנו"?

The answers are below


There are 2 options (that can usually be used interchangeably) to talk about things that are done "alone":

 on my own by myself
 on your own by yourself
 on his own by himself
 on her own by herself
 on its own by itself
 on our own by ourselves
 on your own by yourselves
 on their own by themselves








Here are the answers: 


Option 2




Option 1



1. "נסעתי לבד" או "הלכתי לבד"      
 I went on my own  I went by myself 
2. "זה עובד לבד"      
 It works on its own   It works by itself  
 3. "עבדתי על כל הפרויקט בכוחות עצמי"      
 I worked on this entire project
on my own
 I worked on this whole project
(by) myself
 4. "כתבנו את העבודה הזו בכוחות עצמנו"      
 We wrote this paper on our own We wrote this paper
(by) ourselves















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